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JavaScript Array flatMap() Method

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JavaScript Array flatMap() Method

The flatMap() method is a combination of flat() and map() methods. This method initially maps each array element through a mapping function, then flatten up the array with depth value as 1.



callback– It is a function which produces an element for the newly created array and carries the following three arguments:

  1. currentValue: It is the current array element that is in processing.
  2. index: It is the index value of the current array element in process. It is an optional argument.
  3. array: It is an optional argument where the array map is called upon.
  4. thisArg: It is also an optional argument whose value is used as ‘this’ when we execute the callback function.


It returns a new array where each element is the result of the callback function.

JavaScript Array flatMap() Method Examples

Let’s see the below examples to understand better:


It is a simple example to know the use of flatMap() method.

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JavaScript Array flatMap() Method


Using flatMap() method with two different array elements.

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JavaScript Array flatMap() Method


This example shows the name of the fruit which each member likes.

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JavaScript Array flatMap() Method


An example to split the sentences into individual words.

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JavaScript Array flatMap() Method

It is clear in the output that each sentence is seperated from one another and forming individual word.

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