Home » Program to calculate the area of rectangle

Program to calculate the area of rectangle

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Program to calculate the area of the rectangle

Area of a rectangle is the amount of space occupied by the rectangle. A rectangle can be defined as the plain figure with two adjacent sides equal in length. The 4 angles present in the rectangle are also equal. A rectangle can be divided into 4 similar square. The measurement of each interior angle in a rectangle is 90 degrees.

Area of a rectangle is the number of square units takes to fill a rectangle completely.



A is the area of the rectangle
W is the width of the rectangle
H is the height of the rectangle


  1. Define the width of the rectangle.
  2. Define the Height of the rectangle.
  3. Define Area of the rectangle.
  4. Calculate the area of the rectangle by multiplying the width and height of the rectangle.
  5. Assign the area of the rectangle to the area variable.
  6. print the area of the rectangle.




C Program


Area of the rectangle=50   

PHP Program


Area of the rectangle=50   

Java Program


Area of rectangle=50  

C# Program


Area of rectangle=50  

Python Program


Area of rectangle=50    

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